Posted On: Posted By:Rotomolding Tech.

Twin Sheet Twin Wall Rotational Molding Product.

Rotomolding products are often filled with polyurethane foam after rotomolding for thermal insulation performance or weight reduction.But this also brings the overall strength of the product and the cumbersome processing procedures especially for twin walled products.

In order to solve this problem,We have developed a cross-linkable polyethylene rigid foam material for this purpose.

The material perfectly solves the strength, toughness, impact resistance, thermal insulation and low weight reinforced.

We rotomolded this material to produce a hollow cylinder with a wall thickness of only 4mm as the follow Video.

As you can see that only 4mm thickness and hollow can load the weight of an adult about 60KGS.

Another,This materials is rigid foam material with 8 times expansion